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Chakras and Sun Signs in Vedic Astrology


Chakras and Sun Signs in Vedic Astrology

by Sam Geppi October 16, 2009 08:15 PM EST
Chakras and Sun Signs in Vedic Astrology

Each of the 12 astrology signs has a connection to one of the chakras. Learning about them and contemplating their meaning can be a great source of spiritual growth for you. The Vedic sciences, which originated thousands of years ago in the land now known as India, work seamlessly with one another because they are based around the same five elements. These five elements are expressed through the chakras, or the deepest energy centers of our minds. Each planet rules one of the chakras, which are based on our birth chart and connect our eternal souls to our worldly lives. As the planets move through the sky and affect each other, they also vibrate our chakras.

According to Vedic astrology, the planets imprinted your chakras with your soul's energy at the end of your previous lifetime. At the moment the planets lined up to offer the main lessons you are meant to learn in this life, you were born. These lessons constitute what is known in Indian philosophy as "karma."

Chakras and Yoga

Our chakras also demonstrate the connection between Vedic astrology and Yoga. Each chakra is related to an element, color, deity, sound, organ in the body, and several other components -- including two astrology signs.

For example, the Anahata (heart) chakra is ruled by Venus. When you experience love for another person, the energy of this heart chakra manifests as you feel expansion in your chest. Its sound is "Yam" (pronounced "yum"), its astrology signs are Libra and Taurus, and its element is air.

The Anahata chakra is crucial to individuals whose chakras are related to prominent planets in Libra or Taurus. The need to enjoy life and unselfishly connect with others is particularly important to these people.

Librans express these traits in an active, social way, for Libra is a masculine and airy sign. They would like to take loved ones to an opera or symphony performance, and have great conversations with many people. Feminine and earthy

Taureans, meanwhile, express these traits differently by preferring to cook meals for loved ones and making them comfortable.

The Vedic sciences are based on the idea that we are spiritual beings placed on Earth to evolve toward our highest self and full potential. Vedic culture is rooted in the philosophy that human beings are spiritual and that all living things -- plants, animals, everything -- are in a constant process of evolution.


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