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Vedic Astrology & Spirituality


Vedic Astrology & Spirituality

by Sam Geppi October 06, 2009 04:47 PM EST
Vedic Astrology & Spirituality

The truth of what is really happening in life, in the Eastern sense, is that you are a spiritual being. You come here to Earth, with a body and a psychology, in order to evolve toward your full spiritual awakening. This truth includes the concept of reincarnation. Past and future lifetimes are not sources of speculation in the Indian system and culture: they are assumed to be true.

In this way, the circumstances of your life now have been determined by your actions in past lifetimes, and in this one. How you handle these circumstances determines your future lifetimes. This process is called "the law of karma.” Vedic – or Indian -- astrology is the process of reading your soul's karma, and is deeply connected to spiritual practices. The term "Vedic" comes from "the Vedas" -- the oldest books known to man. They are the source of Indian spirituality and mysticism. The term "Veda", means "truth", not just regular truth (like 2+2=4, truth), but the truth of life.

The spiritual implications of this are vast. In a very literal sense, Vedic astrology is considered to be a “soul mapping”. In Vedic thinking, you are formed by the “seven rays of light” -- the visible planets and their energies. As your life on Earth is a journey toward spiritual perfection, you can better understand that journey through each of the seven principles -- the seven visible planets (and the two shadow planets: the Lunar nodes of Rahu and Ketu).

For example, the Sun is your level of confidence and your capacity to express yourself in a fulfilling and dignified way. When it is powerful, you do not over express yourself, nor do you avoid self-expression or responsibility due to a lack of confidence.

The Moon is in your capacity to be receptive to life, without protecting yourself from the things you are afraid to receive. When it is powerful, you do not cling too much, like a mother who will not let go of her children, nor do you avoid emotional involvement due to fear of loss.

Based on many subtle techniques, a Vedic astrologer unravels the delicate threads and experiences of this lifetime, framing them against the larger backdrop of your soul's eternal nature and the karmic lessons you are here to learn. At best, Vedic astrology offers a very objective look into your soul's evolution.

Once you realize that there is a divine plan, and remember the divine intelligence that is keeping everything moving forward, you’ll see the beauty of all life situations, even ones that don't feel good in the moment.

Vedic astrology is an amazing tool for helping you make life decisions that inspire happiness. But the true power of Vedic astrology is its ability to shed light on "why" you are in pain, what the deeper soul lesson is. In this way, rather than using astrology as another way to try to "get what you want", Vedic astrology is an incredibly powerful tool to help reveal who you really are, beyond all of the worldly desires and day-to-day distractions.

In the Eastern sense, the only reason you suffer is that you become tangled up in the world of the senses and forget who you are -- and what everything is: A play of divinity.


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